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About my starships


​If you are interested in seeing some of my starship designs, click the button below. It’s very difficult for a person to do something that is truly great, without thinking outside the box. One needs to strike out on one’s own, to be a leader. Thinking outside the box is what true leaders do. Don’t follow someone else’s set of rules. To follow someone else’s set of rules, is not leading, it’s following. BECAUSE THAT SET OF RULES, IS THE BOX.  So don’t be too concerned with what is considered to be canon.  

Now having said that, let me explain: For example, if a person wants to make flower arrangements, and this person uses leaves and twigs instead of flowers, that could be considered thinking outside the box – way out. It might be leafy goodness, but that person is not going to have any actual flower arrangements, especially if making flower arrangements is this person‘s job. So certain rules or guidelines need to be observed, in order to achieve what is desired. So a certain “following” is necessary.  

So this “following”, is not so much a set of rules, but using a guide. With my designing process, I’m not paying attention to anyone’s set of rules, but by using my guide, I am doing a certain amount of following. With no guide, I would be aimless, like most artists doing starship designs tend to be, regardless of who they are, including the "official" ones coming up with designs for the next new "Star Trek show", they are worse, because they should know better. These people designing starships, seem to think that they can design a good starship like The Doctor fights Daleks: (Dalek talking-) “But you have no weapons, no defenses, no plaaan!”  

So to be truly a leader, one must not follow anyone’s set of rules. But in order not to be aimless, one must have a guide to follow. To be this way for someone who wants to believe in something, the difference would be like; for a person who wants to follow others, get into a religion, but if you want to be a leader, find the truth yourself, don’t go and be told by someone else. What I’m saying here, is if you get into a religion, or become a fan of a show…you are being a follower, and not a leader.  

I think it’s good when people think outside the box. But what I don’t like is when my cats poop outside the box. Think outside the box, but don’t poop outside the box.  

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